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Windows 10 Update

Compromised Security: Upgrade to Windows 10

Posted on: April 14th, 2021

Failure to upgrade your computer system to Windows 10 will compromise your security. Windows 7 is officially not receiving any more security updates as of January 14, 2020. The need to upgrade to Windows 10 has become increasingly more dire.

Upgrading your current system is not as difficult as it was with previous versions. In some cases, it can be as simple as purchasing a product key from Microsoft. According to PGMag free upgrades are no longer available as they were during the launch of Windows 10. However, it’s not too late to upgrade.

Prior to moving to Windows 10, your computer specifications will need to be evaluated to assure that the minimum hardware requirements are met. Considering more and more employees are working from home due to Covid-19, Windows 10 security updates are crucial to preventing a potential data security threat.

Still not sure you should upgrade? Here are three of the main benefits of upgrading your current Operating System:


You can feel even safer now with the addition of both ransomware protection and exploit/threat protection. Updates can now only be paused for 35 days and when that pause limit is reached, the device will require an update to pause updates again. 

In addition, Windows will periodically run scans to maintain your device’s health. Through the recovery menu, you can even perform a clean installation of Windows without having to download or use any disks if you think the security of your device is compromised. 

For those concerned about their current files, if you created a backup using the Windows 7 Backup and Restore tool, these backups will still work in Windows 10.


Faster startup times are one of the more notable features to upgrading, especially with the addition of a solid-state drive (SSD). In some cases, it is so significant that startup times go from minutes to seconds. 

Having to restart in the middle of a workday will no longer be a chore. Through the task manager you can even customize your startup processes to disable any unnecessary programs that came pre-installed on the computer. 

Additionally, the power options can be changed to “high performance” to further increase speed and prevent the computer from going to sleep mode.

Action Center

The action center makes it easier to be in control of your computer even for those not-so-tech-savvy individuals. 

According to CNET, the upgrades will integrate to your email. This allows you to receive notifications directly to your desktop to avoid having unnecessary applications open. 

You may also navigate from network settings to Bluetooth and screen capture with just a few clicks. Customizable widgets allow you to personalize the options available for those minimalists.

For a FREE evaluation on upgrading your hardware/software or for your Paycheck Secure check cashing system, contact us.

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About the Author

Ruben Avalos -
Ruben Avalos
Technical Support Specialist, Hablo Español

Born and raised in Sacramento. My passion for computers comes from my curiosity as a child to want to understand them inside and out. My hobbies include football, video games and painting.

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